Voy a explicar en este post, como generar el Feed del podcast de forma automática.
layout: null
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0"
<title>{{ site.podcast_title }}</title>
<atom:link href="{{ site.url }}/feed/podcast" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
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<itunes:name>{{ site.podcast_owner }}</itunes:name>
<itunes:email>{{ site.podcast_email }}</itunes:email>
<managingEditor>{{ site.podcast_email }} ({{ site.podcast_owner }})</managingEditor>
<itunes:subtitle>{{ site.podcast_subtitle }}</itunes:subtitle>
<title>{{ site.podcast_title }}</title>
<url>{{ site.url }}{{ site.podcast_album_art }}</url>
<link>{{ site.url }}</link>
<itunes:category text="{{ site.podcast_category }}">
<itunes:category text="{{ site.podcast_subcategory_one }}" />
<itunes:category text="{{ site.podcast_subcategory_two }}" />
{% for ep in site.categories.podcast %}
<title>{{ ep.title }}</title>
<link>{{ site.url }}{{ ep.url }}</link>
<comments>{{ site.url }}{{ ep.url }}#comments</comments>
<pubDate>{{ ep.date | date: "%a, %d %b %Y %T %z" }}</pubDate>
<dc:creator><![CDATA[{{ site.author | cdata_escape }}]]></dc:creator>
{% for category in ep.categories %}
<category><![CDATA[{{ category | cdata_escape }}]]></category>
{% endfor %}
{% for category in ep.tags %}
<category><![CDATA[{{ category | cdata_escape }}]]></category>
{% endfor %}
<guid isPermaLink="{% if ep.podcast_guid %}false{% else %}true{% endif %}">{{ site.url }}{% if ep.podcast_guid %}/{{ ep.podcast_guid }}{% else %}{{ ep.url }}{% endif %}</guid>
<![CDATA[{{ ep.excerpt | strip_html | truncatewords: 50 | expand_urls: site.url | cdata_escape }}]]>
<![CDATA[{{ ep.content | expand_urls: site.url | cdata_escape }}]]>
<enclosure url="{{ ep.podcast_link }}" length="{{ ep.podcast_length }}" type="audio/mpeg" />
<itunes:subtitle><![CDATA[{{ ep.excerpt | strip_html | truncatewords: 50 | expand_urls: site.url | cdata_escape }}]]></itunes:subtitle>
<itunes:summary><![CDATA[{{ ep.content | expand_urls: site.url | cdata_escape }}]]></itunes:summary>
<itunes:author>{{ site.podcast_author }}</itunes:author>
<itunes:image href="{{ site.url }}{{ site.podcast_album_art }}" />
<itunes:explicit>{{ site.podcast_explicit }}</itunes:explicit>
<itunes:duration>{{ ep.podcast_duration }}</itunes:duration>
{% endfor %}
# Podcast Feed Settings
podcast_url: https://ugeek.github.io
podcast_album_art: https://ugeek.github.io/img/ugeek.png
podcast_title: uGeek
podcast_owner: Angel
podcast_email: ugeekpodcast@gmail.com
podcast_category: Technology
podcast_subcategory_one: Linux
podcast_subcategory_two: Gadgets
podcast_explicit: "no"
podcast_author: Angel
podcast_description: Podcast de Tecnología en el que hablo de GNU/Linux, Raspberry Pi, servidores y tecnología en general.
podcast_summary: Podcast de Tecnología en el que hablo de GNU/Linux, Raspberry Pi, servidores y tecnología en general.
podcast_subtitle: Podcast de Tecnología en el que hablo de GNU/Linux, Raspberry Pi, servidores y tecnología en general.
layout: post
title: "046. Sincronización de carpetas entre dispositivos. Syncthing, Resilio y Dukto"
date: 2017-04-21
categories: podcast
image: img/ugeek.png
podcast_link: https://ia601509.us.archive.org/6/items/046SyncthingResilioYDukto/%23046%20Syncthing%2c%20Resilio%20y%20Dukto%20.mp3
tags: [syncthing, resilio, dukto, sincronización carpetas, podcast]
comments: true
Publicado por Angel el Monday 21 January del 2019
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